陶芸 Ceramic
陶芸 Ceramic
1963 | 京都五条坂の陶器商に生まれる |
1983 | 京都府立陶工高等技術専門校卒業 |
1984 | 京都市立工業試験場陶磁器研修修了 |
1984 | 人間国宝清水卯一・保孝両氏に師事し喜兵衛窯を開窯 |
1985 | 日本伝統工芸近畿展に入選 |
1986 | 日本伝統工芸展に入選 |
1994 | 日本工芸会正会員に認定 |
2001 | 日本伝統工芸近畿展に最高賞の近畿賞受賞 |
1963 | Born in Gojyouzaka, Kyoto, Japan at nobie pottery shop |
1983 | Graduation from the molding department of Kyoto Prefectural Ceramics Technical Institute |
1984 | Graduation from Pottery Training of Kyoto Municipal institute of Industrial Research |
1984 | Established Kihei Kiln after he studied under the national libing treasure SHIMIZU, Uichi Studied under SHIMIZU, Yasutaka |
1985 | Selected for the Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition, kinki |
1986 | Selected for the Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition |
1994 | Certified Japan kogei Association |
2001 | The Kinki prize in the Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition,kinki |