陶芸 Ceramic
陶芸 Ceramic
1943 | 大阪市生まれ |
1973 | 日展初入選 |
1974 | 六代・清水六兵衛に師事 |
1977 | 京展市長賞受賞(同'88京展賞受賞) |
1978 | 日展特選受賞(同'01日展特選受賞) |
1990 | フレッチャー国際陶芸展大賞(ニュージーランド) |
1996 | 秀明文化財団 秀明文化賞 |
2002 | 工芸美術日工会展文部科学大臣賞受賞 |
2006 | 日展審査員(同'10) |
2011 | 日展会員賞受賞 |
所属 | 日展会員/日工会常務理事/奈良芸術短期大学教授 |
1943 | Born in Osaka |
1973 | Accepted for the NITTEN Exhibition for the first time. |
1974 | Studied techniques of making ceramics under the guidance of KIYOMIZU Rokubei the 6th. |
1977 | Won the Mayor's Prize at the KYO-TEN Exhibition |
1978 | Won the Special award at NITTEN,again in '01. |
1988 | Awarded Kyoto Art Exhibition Prize at the KYO-TEN Exhibition |
1990 | Won the grand prize at Fretcher International Ceramic Contest,New Zealand. |
1996 | Received the SHUMEI Culture Prize from SHUMEI Culture Foundation. |
2002 | Won the prize for Minister of Education,NIKKO-KAI Exhibition. |
2006 | Selected as the jury of the NITTEN Exhibition. |
2011 | Won the NITTEN Membership award. |
Membership | Professor of Nara Junior College of art/Regular member of the NITTEN/Director of NIKKO-KAI |