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染織 <染> Dyeing and Weaving

増田 晴香
2011京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究学科 染織専攻修了
2011-2013京都市立芸術大学 総合基礎、染織 非常勤講師
2012-2013夙川学院高等学校 美術科 非常勤講師
2013-2016夙川学院高等学校 美術科 教論
2016-2017夙川学院高等学校 美術科 非常勤講師
2017京都精華大学 染織基礎 非常勤講師
2010日本新工芸展 ≪近畿展 新人奨励賞≫≪2012年 東京都知事賞≫
2013個展「隠れた世界Ⅱ」(京都/GALLERY SUZUKI)
2015個展「南風の詩が聴こえる」(京都/GALLERY SUZUKI)
2017個展「陽の下の星たち」(京都/GALLERY 恵風)
2009Bachelor of Textile Design, Kyoto Seika University, Kyoto
2011Master of Textile, Graduate School of Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto
2011-2013 Instructor of Basic Arts and Textile, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto
2016-2017Instructor of Arts, Shukugawagakuin Highschool, Hyogo
2017 Instructor of Basic Textile, Kyoto Seika University, Kyoto
2009Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (NITTEN), accepted for the first time
2010Young Artist Award and Tokyo Governor Award in Japanese New Art-Craft Exhibition
2011Personal Exhibition ”The Hidden World” in Dohjidai GALLERY, Kyoto
2012KYOTEN Award and Kyoto City Museum of Art Award 2017 in Kyoto Fine Arts Exhibition (KYOTEN)
2013Personal Exhibition ”The Hidden WorldⅡ” in GALLERY SUZUKI, Kyoto
2015Personal Exhibition ”Sound of South Wind ” in GALLERY SUZUKI, Kyoto
First Prize and Yomiuri Television Award 2017 in All KANSAI Exhibition
2017Personal Exhibition ”The stars under the Sun” in GALLERY KEI-FU, Kyoto
2018Art Encouragement Prize by HEIWADO Foundation
2023NC ARTISTS EXHIBITION "Town of the storyteller" in CAM Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
Human Exhibition "Journey" in Nationalist Gallery of Contemporary Art, Washinton D.C.