陶芸 Ceramic
陶芸 Ceramic
1948 | 京都市立第二工業学校卒業 |
1958 | 朝日陶芸展第一席受賞 |
1964 | 日展特選・北斗賞受賞 |
1970 | 日展会員賞・菊花賞受賞 |
1972 | 日展審査員(以降4回)、日本新工芸理事・審査委員(6回) |
1986 | 日展評議員(現・特別会員) |
1989 | 日本新工芸展文部大臣賞受賞 |
1993 | 日展内閣総理大臣賞受賞 |
1995 | 京都府文化功労者 |
2001 | 日本新工芸展内閣総理大臣賞受賞 |
2001 | 京都市文化功労者・作品集「抒情とげん炎」出版(求龍堂) |
コレクション | 米国・ハーバード大学・Sackler美術館 鈞窯 所蔵、京都国立近代美術館 所蔵、京都市美術館 所蔵、滋賀県立陶芸の森美術館 所蔵、京都府立京都学・歴彩館 所蔵、関西テレビ放送本社社屋、岡山成人病センター 所蔵 |
1948 | Graduated from Kyoto Municipal School of Arts and Crafts |
1958 | Awarded the First Prize of Asahi Ceramic Art Exhibition |
1964 | Awarded the Selected Prize of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition and the Hokuto Prize |
1970 | Awarded the Membership and Chrysanthemun Prize of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition |
1972 | Appointed judge of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (appointed 4 times afterwards)
Appointed judge of the Japan New Craft Exhibition (appointed 6 times afterwards) |
1986 | Appointed councilor of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition |
1989 | Awarded the Minister of Education Prize of the Japan New Craft Exhibition |
1993 | Awarded the Prime Minister Prize of the Japan New Craft Exhibition |
1995 | Honnored as the Cultural Contributor to Kyoto Prefecture |
2001 | Awarded the Prime Minister Prize of the Japan New Craft Exhibition |
2001 | Poems of the Mystic Fire: Ceramics by Minoru Nishikawa, Kyuryudo Art Publishing |
Collection | Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University, MA, the United States of America
Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art Shiga Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art (Tougeinomori Museum) Kyoto Prefectural Museum of Kyoto Study (Rekisaikan) Kansai Television Broadcasting Head Office and Okayama Medical Center |